Decisions affecting the use of your land, and that of your neighbors, can have a substantial impact on your land value, the peace and tranquility of your city or neighborhood, your view of water or green spaces, the traffic you sit in, and, in many cases, your way of life. These decisions are frequently left up to volunteer citizen boards and elected local officials, many of whom have vested interests in promoting or opposing real estate development, and these decisions are frequently made for political purposes or are motivated by self-interest. However, the law requires that the decisions of these local officials conform to established legal principles. The lawyers at Weber, Crabb & Wein, P.A. have represented numerous landowners, business owners, developers, and, in many cases, residents challenging local land use decisions. Our firm has invalidated comprehensive plan amendments and rezoning, successfully challenged and defended variances and special exceptions, and prosecuted or defended a wide variety of appeals, administrative actions, and proceedings before City boards and tribunals. In addition, our firm has challenged local governmental action that restricts land use rights, defended code enforcement proceedings wrongfully brought against landowners, and sued municipalities for sunshine law and public records violations committed in the course of administering its land use code.