Personal Injury

Being injured as a result of another’s negligence, whether the result of an automobile accident, a defective product, a slip and fall or professional malpractice, is a serious matter which affects not only the injured person, but his or her entire family. Your life is just not the same. Sometimes the negligence can result in a loved one’s wrongful death. Weber, Crabb and Wein can represent the injured party or the family in these trying times. We recognize that each case is different and needs to be assessed and managed as best suits the client and the particular circumstances.

While you may feel overwhelmed by your situation, our experienced attorneys will navigate you through the process and mange and advocate your case to best achieve the compensation you are entitled to for the damages you sustained. These damages, depending on the situation, can include; lost wages and the ability to earn in the future, medical expenses, pain and suffering, property damage, and the inability to enjoy life. The injured party’s spouse may also have a damages claim for loss of consortium (loss of affection, companionship comfort and assistance). In the event of a wrongful death claim other damages may be available to the affected family members, as well. In every case we will explain the process to you so we can work together to achieve a common goal, compensation for your injuries and losses.

Contacting a lawyer as soon as possible can assist in achieving the best results. Memories can fade and potential evidence disappear due to the passage of time. Timely employing a lawyer who will commence investigating the claim can only be beneficial to a client. You should assume that the negligent parties have started their investigation so to defeat or lessen the value of your claim. The injured party needs to recognize this and should have a lawyer representing his or her interests as soon as practical.

Let Weber, Crabb and Wein assist you in recovering damages for your injuries that were caused another’s negligence. Call our office today at 727-828-9919 to discuss your particular case so we answer your questions and concerns. We would be honored to represent you in recovering the damages to which you are entitled.