Child Support

Child support is governed by a specific formula set forth in Florida Statutes, Section 61. However, there is more to child support than simply “plugging in” numbers. In order to determine an accurate child support number, you need a lawyer who can help you accurately determine your spouse’s true income (including making sure self-employed individuals report all of their income and that employment “perks” are added back into a spouse’s income). If the numbers used for the calculation of child support are not accurate, then the support number will likewise not be accurate. That is why you need a professional who can help you make an accurate determination of income so that the calculations are accurate.

At Weber, Crabb & Wein, P.A., we provide explanations of these child support guidelines and help you understand your financial rights and responsibilities as a parent under differing time sharing arrangements. We want what is best for you and your children and, of course, making sure that children receive the financial support they need is crucial to their well being.

Contact our office to schedule a consultation.

Child Support Modifications

Many people don’t know that child support can and should be modified as circumstances change. Changes in your employment, income or health or the emancipation of one or more of your children may be a valid reason to seek a child support modification.  Changes in time sharing over time can  also be the basis for a child support modification. We will work diligently to seek a modification of your child support agreement to better fit today’s situation.

Read More on Modifications of support, custody and visitation.