Child Custody and Time Sharing

Florida law generally adopts the concept of shared parental responsibility, where both parents have input into major decisions involving their children. Sole parental responsibility is not as typical but is ordered in appropriate situations. The parties (or the Court) then establish a Parenting Plan which specifies how the parties share time with their children. It is important when making these determinations to hire an attorney familiar with this area of law who can make suggestions to help you reach the best time sharing schedule for your family or who can advocate to the Court for you to reach the best possible resolution.

At Weber, Crabb & Wein, P.A., we have extensive experience helping people in the Tampa Bay area deal with the many issues involving their children when going through a separation or divorce and its aftermath. With 20+ years of handling family law issues, we are committed to helping to formulate a time sharing schedule that best serves you and your children.

Contact us for a consultation.

Putting Your Children First

We understand the hardship separation and divorce place on parents and children alike. We strive to reduce the contentious nature of dissolving households by working with you and the other party to negotiate an effective co-parenting plan. Amicable discussion lays the foundation for a sound parenting relationship so your children feel loved and secure after the divorce or separation. We recognize that it is the goal of most parents to see that a Parenting plan is established that best allows their children to thrive in school and life and grow up receiving the support of both parents.

Unfortunately, sometimes parents just can’t work together. Often, the other party is being unreasonable or trying to use the child in order to extract a more generous financial settlement.   In these cases, we aggressively represent your interests in the courtroom, to protect the interests of you and your children. By presenting your case effectively, we can explain to the judge how the Parenting Plan you propose benefits your child and your family.  If necessary, we will refer families to parent coordinators, guardian ad litems and other family experts to help ensure a fair solution that puts the children first.


What should you do when the parenting plan created during your divorce or separation is no longer appropriate for your children’s needs?  Contact us to discuss modifying your Parenting Plan and child custody or time sharing arrangement. We will work with you to create a modified plan that better fits the needs of your children today. Situations change as your children grow older; so should your parenting plan. We will work with you to create a modified plan that best fits the needs of your children at any age.

Read More about modifications of support, custody and visitation.