Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning Documents

We provide all-inclusive estate planning services catered to your family’s specific needs.

Our attorneys take time to understand your unique situation and will ensure that your estate documents are accurate, thorough, and properly executed. We will design a custom estate plan that preserves your assets, avoids probate, and protects you and your loved ones for generations to come.

We are also available to discuss, amend, and update your current estate planning documents.

Contact us today to set up an appointment to discuss:


  • Wills & Self Proof Affidavits
  • Trusts (Revocable Trusts, Irrevocable Trusts, Dynasty Trusts)
  • Durable Power of Attorneys
  • Health Care Surrogates
  • Living Wills
  • Guardians for Minor Children




We recommend that every person executes a will. In your will, you will select who inherits your assets after your passing. Florida has very specific laws regarding homestead property and the protection of spouses and minor children from disinheritance. Florida also has strict laws for the execution and witnessing of wills. An improperly executed will is invalid, so it is critical that you speak with an attorney to ensure that your will is proper.



Trusts come in all shapes and sizes, but all trusts are powerful tools that can help preserve your assets and protect your estate from a lengthy probate hassle.

Contact us to discuss your family’s unique needs, and we will help you to determine whether a trust is in your best interest.