Trade Secret Litigation

The law offering trade secret protection to businesses can be complex and at times misunderstood. Weber Crabb Wein’s attorneys have handled numerous trade secret disputes and can assist you in protecting your business interests. In addition to the more typical intellectual property that an enterprise may own (such as patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade dress), a business may also own and utilize trade secrets in conducting its affairs. Trade secrets can be a company’s most precious assets to be protected at all costs. Sometimes a business in order to stifle a competing enterprise may wrongfully assert that a trade secret precludes a business or former employee from competing against it. Litigation over trade secrets can be complex and intricate. We have experience in trade secret litigation, the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, and related law and have prosecuted as well as defended such claims. Our firm can assist in exploring your options and representing you in any litigation concerning trade secrets. Contact us by email or by telephone at 727-828-9919 to discuss your particular situation or to schedule an appointment.